difficult to use ML Heroes

Mobile Legend Heroes that are difficult to use and difficult to master. This ranking is updated according on the current hero win rate.

Date Updated: Mar 30, 2024 05:04 AM

Heads Up: Some information presented in this post is AI generated using actual in-game data from mobile legend's official website. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness, and that data presented are entirely up-to-date and error-free. Please use this guide at your own discretion and consider any updates or changes to the game that may affect the information presented here.
Top 5 heroes difficult with highest Win rates
Hero Name Win Rate Rank
Minotaur image


Mathilda image


Popol and Kupa image
Popol and Kupa


Masha image


Diggie image



Minotaur s-tier Mobile Legends Tank and Support Hero


Hero Tier:

Hero Tiers

Hero tiers/grades are determined by a combination of the hero's early power, mid power, late power, win rate, pick rate, and ban rate.



Specialties: Crowd Control

Crowd Control Role

Crowd Control is a specialty assigned to heroes that are capable of controlling multiple enemies at once by their Crowd Control skills that enable them to initiate up teamfights, initiate defensive plays, and initiate aggressive plays.

Regen Initiator Damage

Scaling Power: normal

Mechanical Skill: hard

Hero Stats - www.mlbbhero.com

Early Game Power: 6 / 10 Middle Game Power: 5 / 10 Late Game Power: 7 / 10
Mythical Glory Rank Badge in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate

Minotaur underwent a fantastic overhaul, and his skills have been modified to meet the current meta. Minotaur is unquestionably a great choice for the current meta and is a fantastic choice for rank games. With these suggestions, you'll be able to direct Minotaur to simple victories.

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Last Update: 03-30-24 05:04 AM

Minotaur Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. High Crowd Control Ability.
  2. Easy To Play.
  3. No Need to Recall Thanks to High Regen.
  4. Relatively Large Damage When Ultimate.
  5. Deadly Combo Skill.

Minotaur Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. Doesn’t Have Initiator Skill.
  2. Quite Difficult Combo Use.
  3. Very Rely on Rage Mode.
  4. Low Mobility.
  5. Very Dependent on the Battle Spell.

Mathilda s+-tier Mobile Legends Support and Assassin Hero


Hero Tier:

Hero Tiers

Hero tiers/grades are determined by a combination of the hero's early power, mid power, late power, win rate, pick rate, and ban rate.



Specialties: Initiator

Initiator Role

Initiator is a specialty assigned to heroes that can initiate teamfights, mainly by gathering multiple enemies with a Crowd Control skills and initiating an unexpecting incoming attacks from a far distance.

Guard Regen Damage Magic Damage

Scaling Power: normal

Mechanical Skill: hard

Hero Stats - www.mlbbhero.com

Early Game Power: 5 / 10 Middle Game Power: 8 / 10 Late Game Power: 8 / 10
Mythical Glory Rank Badge in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate

Mathilda is a powerful hero of the Assassin/Support category. She possesses a good selection of team-boosting, speed-up, blink, and burst effects. Her ability casting abilities allow us to classify her as an easy to play, mid-difficulty character.

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Last Update: 03-30-24 05:04 AM

Mathilda Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. Great mobility.
  2. Great utility Shield allies with 2nd Skill, and Ultimate.
  3. Allies can use 2nd Skill to reposition.
  4. Good early game damage.
  5. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling.

Mathilda Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. Slow at clearing minion wave.
  2. Ultimate cannot immune Suppression effect.
  3. Lower damage output when there’s more enemy targets nearby.
  4. Knockback from Ultimate is her only crowd control ability.

Popol and Kupa a+-tier Mobile Legends Marksman Hero

Popol and Kupa

Hero Tier:

Hero Tiers

Hero tiers/grades are determined by a combination of the hero's early power, mid power, late power, win rate, pick rate, and ban rate.



Specialties: Push

Push Role

Push is a specialty assigned to heroes that can clear minion waves and destroy turrets so quickly.

Burst Control Damage Guard Check Bush

Scaling Power: late

Mechanical Skill: hard

Hero Stats - www.mlbbhero.com

Early Game Power: 5 / 10 Middle Game Power: 6 / 10 Late Game Power: 8 / 10
Mythical Glory Rank Badge in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate

Popol and Kupa is a great marksman for late-game battles, especially one-on-one encounters. But before starting a fight, you must have Kupa.

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Last Update: 03-30-24 05:04 AM

Popol and Kupa Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. Kupa can Tank Jungle Monsters.
  2. High Burst Damage.
  3. Hard to Deal with in Lanes.

Popol and Kupa Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. Popol is Nothing Without Kupa.
  2. Small Base HP.
  3. High Skill Requirement
  4. Small Base HP.

Masha a+-tier Mobile Legends Fighter and Tank Hero


Hero Tier:

Hero Tiers

Hero tiers/grades are determined by a combination of the hero's early power, mid power, late power, win rate, pick rate, and ban rate.



Specialties: Push

Push Role

Push is a specialty assigned to heroes that can clear minion waves and destroy turrets so quickly.

Damage Chase Charge

Scaling Power: normal

Mechanical Skill: hard

Hero Stats - www.mlbbhero.com

Early Game Power: 5 / 10 Middle Game Power: 6 / 10 Late Game Power: 8 / 10
Mythical Glory Rank Badge in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate

She is regarded as Mobile Legends' top split-pusher. She can quickly accomplish any goal. In contrast to other gaming heroes, Masha has three HP bars and the ability to deflect burst damage.

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Last Update: 03-30-24 05:04 AM

Masha Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. Can solo lord and turtle even at level 3.
  2. High regen and high durability.
  3. The higher damage she get the higher lifesteal and damage she deal.
  4. Can deal with ultra tanky tank like Uranus and Esmeralda/She can deal easily with Argus Ultimate.

Masha Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. I only think her cons is Low.
  2. Durability at early game.

Diggie s+-tier Mobile Legends Support Hero


Hero Tier:

Hero Tiers

Hero tiers/grades are determined by a combination of the hero's early power, mid power, late power, win rate, pick rate, and ban rate.



Specialties: Guard

Guard Role

Guard is a specialty assigned to heroes, who can provide protection to their team and usually serve in making sure their allies and carries are safe. They are equipped with a skill that can push away enemies from an ally hero, and track any upcoming ambushes by revealing them from enemies, block any projectiles or ranged Basic Attack or become a ward to give a vision for the team. As well as applying cc effects in order to protect your allies.

Poke Support Magic Damage

Scaling Power: normal

Mechanical Skill: hard

Hero Stats - www.mlbbhero.com

Early Game Power: 4 / 10 Middle Game Power: 5 / 10 Late Game Power: 7 / 10
Mythical Glory Rank Badge in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate

Due to its adaptability and devastating abilities as a support or roamer, Diggie continues to establish itself as a well-liked hero even after Diggie Feeder Meta. However, even if you build a full defense item, you need keep in mind that Diggie's HP is lower than that of a pure Tank.

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Last Update: 03-30-24 05:04 AM

Diggie Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. Has Decent Crowd Control (Slow, Pull).
  2. Has free Purify from his Ultimate, Time Journey.
  3. His 2nd Skill, Reverse Time is good to countering high mobility Hero like Fanny.
  4. If he being eliminates, he can be transform being Egg and invicible.

Diggie Advantages when learning and using in the game.

  1. High skill cooldown.
  2. His Ultimate ( Time Journey) Cooldown is high.
  3. No Escape skills.

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